Performance Evaluations 2.0: A Deep Dive into Methods and Approaches
This webinar is best suited for New Executive Directors or EDs, Human Resources, or Operations staff — folks who are making pay decisions.
This webinar is best suited for New Executive Directors or EDs, Human Resources, or Operations staff — folks who are making pay decisions.
This webinar is targeted at Finance, Fundraising and Operations Staff, as well as Executive Directors responsible for finances and fundraising.
This webinar is targeted at Operations Staff and Executive Directors responsible for financial banking and security.
This webinar is for Operations and Human Resources Staff, Executive Directors—folks who are making employment decisions.
Audience: This webinar is targeted at Organizing and Operations Staff, and Executive Directors.
This webinar is targeted at Operations Staff and Executive Directors responsible for compliance.
This webinar is best suited for New Executive Directors or EDs, Human Resources, or Operations staff — folks who are making pay decisions.
As we see more organizations utilize multi-entity legal structures to amplify their advocacy and grow their impact, we also recognize that bold work also means increased risk and liability. Organizations need to engage in risk assessments and deepen their understanding of what it takes to keep your family of organizations safe.
This webinar is targeted at Operations Staff and Executive Directors responsible for compliance with lobbying rules.
This webinar is best suited for New Executive Directors or EDs who may need a refresher on how to close out their financials and Finance and Operations Senior Staff who oversee close out of financials.
As election season winds down, join NLA, TCS and Cassie Tinsmon and Andrew Madras, Katz Compliance for a comprehensive webinar on the critical steps involved in the end-of-election cycle closeout.
Join us to learn about how to incorporate your values into your end-of-year HR processes.
Join NLA, TCS, and Josh Wolf in a discussion on how to close the books on the prior fiscal year and complete an annual audit and tax forms.
This is a FREE 1 hour session with our compliance experts where you can ask all your questions and get answers in real-time! At the top of each call, we will provide an overview of our Prop 211 Toolkit and how you can use it to support your important organizing work.
This is a FREE 1 hour session with our compliance experts where you can ask all your questions and get answers in real-time! At the top of each call, we will provide an overview of our Prop 211 Toolkit and how you can use it to support your important organizing work.
This is a FREE 1 hour session with our compliance experts where you can ask all your questions and get answers in real-time! At the top of each call, we will provide an overview of our Prop 211 Toolkit and how you can use it to support your important organizing work.
What happens after Election Day? Join Bolder Advocacy and NLA,TCS to understand what happens after Election Day 2024 as we anticipate some local, state, and federal races will be decided by a razor-thin margin of votes and remain contested.
Join NLA, the Forefront Project's Summer Burnley and Carrie Sophia Zoubul, and a bonus session for Arizona groups with Jim Barton, Barton Mendez Soto from Arizona, about how nonprofits can be bold and actively weigh in with the public, candidates, and government officials on the topic of abortion, including during election season,while assessing and mitigating for risk and detecting impermissible partisan political activity.
Join the Arizona Empower & Protect program and our partners, Arizona for Abortion Access for a webinar looking at how to be bold and compliant in your organization’s Ballot Initiative work this election year under the new rules of Proposition 211.
Join NLA and AZ Empower & Protect program, and Jim Barton, attorney, from Barton, Mendez, Soto for our second webinar on Prop 211 focused on disclosure and disclaimers rules.
Join One Arizona, Instituto, NLA and Jim Barton, attorney, from Barton, Mendez Soto for our second webinar on Prop 211 focused on disclosure and disclaimers rules.
Join One Arizona, Instituto, NLA and Arizona compliance experts The Money Wheel for a practical discussion on how to use NLA’s new AZ Prop 211, toolkit designed to support nonprofits with building the new systems and processes necessary to comply with Prop 211.
Join NLA and attorney Jim Barton from Barton, Mendez, Soto on an overview of all things Prop 211.
Join NLA/TCS and Bolder Advocacy to understand how different types of organizations are increasingly collaborating on lobbying, voter engagement, and other advocacy activities, but they need to be aware of the rules governing organizations with different tax-exempt statuses.
Join NLA/TCS and Bolder Advocacy to understand how different types of organizations are increasingly collaborating on lobbying, voter engagement, and other advocacy activities, but they need to be aware of the rules governing organizations with different tax-exempt statuses.
Join NLA and the Forefront Project about how nonprofits can be bold and actively weigh in with the public, candidates, and government officials on the topic of abortion, including during election season, while assessing and mitigating for risk and detecting impermissible partisan political activity.
You know you need to track political activity - but HOW? Join NLA/TCS and Cassie Tinsmon and Andrew Madras, Katz Compliance for deep dive into political activity trackers.
You’ve hired new organizing staff this election season, are you ready to get them started? Join NLA, TCS and Whitney Herrington from AscendPeople, to get your election year new hires off to a great start!
Want to know the most essential aspects of how to set up a multi-entity complaint organization? Join NLA, TCS and Katz Compliance as we cover the important concepts and systems that make up the world of compliance.
Unlock the path to sustainably funding progressive groups, as we demystify the complexities of building a well-resourced multi-entity organization, especially during a turbulent election season.
Ready to navigate the election year hiring frenzy? Join NLA/TCS and Whitney Herrington, to learn the ins and outs of hiring temporary staff for campaigns and elections.
You’ve built a strong member base to drive progressive change, so what’s next? Join Mo Manklang of the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives to learn how to meaningfully engage members in political candidate and platform endorsements during this election season.
Are your finance systems ready for election season? Join NLA, TCS and Josh Wolf for an informative webinar designed to help multi-entity organizations that are participating in campaigns or electoral work prepare their QuickBooks accounting systems for the unique financial challenges of an election year.