Movement infrastructure Cohort 2022
Our movement infrastructure cohort levels up support for the entire field by building operational capacity to support other organizations and/or campaigns to do bold 501(c)(4) work. These organizations do critical work to connect people, causes, and resources so that we can all pull in the same direction. Learn more about our newest program members below.
9to5 GA National Association of Working Women
9to5 is one of the largest, most respected national membership organizations of working women in the U.S., dedicated to putting working women’s issues on the public agenda. They are building a movement for economic justice by engaging directly affected women to get their issues on the public agenda.
Arizona Wins
Arizona Wins is a coalition of progressive advocacy organizations and labor unions, working together to improve public policy for working families in Arizona. Their mission is to change the face of the Arizona legislature and achieve progressive policies on a state level.
Carolina Federation
The Carolina Federation is a statewide organization that brings local people together across race and the rural-urban divide to build political and electoral power in their own communities and across North Carolina.
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) Action Fund is a statewide, membership-based coalition of immigrant, faith, labor, youth, community, business and ally organizations founded in 2002 to improve the lives of immigrants and refugees by making Colorado a more welcoming, immigrant-friendly state.
Dignity and Power Now
Dignity and Power Now (DPN) is a Los Angeles based grassroots organization founded in 2012 that fights for the dignity and power of all incarcerated people, their families, and communities. Their mission is to build a Black- and Brown-led abolitionist movement rooted in community power towards the goal of achieving transformative justice and healing justice for all incarcerated people, their families, and communities.
Florida Immigrant Coalition
FLIC works together for the fair treatment of all people, including immigrants. With staff in six counties and members throughout Florida, FLIC’s leadership builds depth in local communities, breadth for statewide reach, and national alignment.
Mothering Justice Action Fund
Mothering Justice Action Fund is a Michigan-based project dedicated to returning decision-making power to those most impacted, mothers of color. By empowering these mothers to champion policies and endorse candidates that reflect their values, Mothering Justice Action Fund hopes to shape the future of families in Michigan for the better.
National Korean American Service & Education Consortium Action Fund imagines a future in which low- and middle-income, immigrant, people of color, and marginalized communities are working together as the change-makers.
OC Action
OC Action was founded in 2017 to build an AAPI-Latinx-Labor-Environmental Justice Alliance and to develop progressive political power and is committed to a long-term progressive transformation of the electorate and will continue to move towards the change that our people deserve.
One Arizona
One Arizona is made up of 30 organizations active all over Arizona focused on improving the lives of Arizonans, especially people of color and young people, by building a culture of civic participation.
Young Women’s Freedom Center
For nearly 30 years, Young Women’s Freedom Center has provided support, mentorship, training, employment, and advocacy to young women and trans youth of all genders in California who have grown up in poverty, experienced the juvenile legal and foster care systems, have had to survive living and working on the streets, and who have experienced significant violence in their lives.