Criminal justice reform Cohort 2022

Caldwell Hays Examiner

A news outlet & curator attuned to issues of justice & equity in Caldwell & Hays counties.

Carolina Federation

The Carolina Federation is a statewide organization that brings local people together across race and the rural-urban divide to build political and electoral power in their own communities and across North Carolina.

Chispa OC

Launching in 2017, Chispa operates with a focus in three tiers; base building, policy, and elections. By creating an infrastructure for young people to engage in policy campaigns, and taking a position on candidates, Chispa is an organization that represents young Latinos / Latinx in all levels of government. 

Dignity and Power Now

Dignity and Power Now (DPN) is a Los Angeles based grassroots organization founded in 2012 that fights for the dignity and power of all incarcerated people, their families, and communities. Their mission is to build a Black- and Brown-led abolitionist movement rooted in community power towards the goal of achieving transformative justice and healing justice for all incarcerated people, their families, and communities.

La Defensa

La Defensa is leading the movement to decarcerate the largest jail population in the United States–the LA County jail system. We’re working to reduce the power and scope of the judiciary, law enforcement, and the legal injustice system. We’re also fighting for a fair & transparent pretrial process, for state & local budgets that reflect community values, and for life-affirming alternatives to incarceration.

OC Action

OC Action was founded in 2017 to build an AAPI-Latinx-Labor-Environmental Justice Alliance and to develop progressive political power and is committed to a long-term progressive transformation of the electorate and will continue to move towards the change that our people deserve.

Poder NC

Poder NC Action is a 501c4 nonprofit organization that builds people power in the growing Latinx community in North Carolina -- through traditional community organizing and innovative technologies -- by investing in leadership development, educating the public about issues and elections, and intentional base-building for long-term movement wins.

Young Women’s Freedom Center

For nearly 30 years, Young Women’s Freedom Center has provided support, mentorship, training, employment, and advocacy to young women and trans youth of all genders in California who have grown up in poverty, experienced the juvenile legal and foster care systems, have had to survive living and working on the streets, and who have experienced significant violence in their lives.