NLA Spotlight: Maya Thornell-Sandifor

NLA Spotlight: Maya Thornell-Sandifor

Maya Thornell-Sandifor has been bridging different worlds since she was a child. “I’m a preacher’s kid, so my dad was very politically active in the faith community since I was a little girl. He would take me on marches and to political organizing events, and it was bred into me that change isn’t fixed. You have to participate in the system if you want things to be different.”

NLA Spotlight: Marj Plumb

NLA Spotlight: Marj Plumb

Before racking up impressive credentials in public policy training and public health training, Marj Plumb learned how to do it by herself. Coming from a family of seven siblings, helmed by a teamster father and a mother who worked as a waitress, she was the only one of their children to go to college. “I wasn't raised in a family where knowing how to do stuff was handed down,” Marj explained. So before she could understand how grassroots groups can identify and pull levers of power to improve systems, she started a career in advocacy by first just getting into the room.